Michigan Notary Service
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Michigan Notary Service
2176 Oakwood Drive Troy, MI 48085

This Website allows you to:

bullet Download a notary application to your computer.
bullet Purchase all your notary supplies
bullet Get up-to-date information on Michigan's notary laws
bullet Contact the Michigan Notary Service for more information

Become a Notary

Qualifications To qualify for an initial appointment (4-year term) to the office of notary public in the State of Michigan, one must:

bulletBe at least 18 years of age or older
bullet Be a Michigan resident or maintain a place of business in Michigan
bullet Be a US citizen or possess proof of legal presence
bulletBe a resident of the county in which you request appointment
bulletFor non-Michigan residents, maintain a principle place of business in the county where you request appointment; Read and write in the English language
bulletBe free of any felony convictions, misdemeanor convictions, or convictions for violating the Notary Public Act
bulletNot be imprisoned in any state, county or federal correctional facility

Please note: As of April 1, 2004 all new and renewal notaries MUST comply with the new changes pertaining to Michigan Notary Public Laws (Michigan Notary Public Act PA238 of 2003 has been adopted). Visit the State of Michigan website for information on changes.

Please complete this application form and either complete the credit card submission form and Fax it to our office or if you wish you may drop it off personally.

Become a Notary Application

Credit Card Submission Form

© 2004 - Michigan Notary - All Rights Reserved

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